Legam offers its consulting activities Legal and Tax both in Italy and in the United States through its Headquarters in Milan and New York and through the offices of Washington and major Italian cities with the help of a team of approximately 30 professionals with decades of experience.
The firm aims to be configured, with the figures of the 'Lawyer and Accountant of the present, as a partner for customers able to share the same projects through a comprehensive and personalized assistance level appropriate to the needs of the business issues and subjects.
Corte di Cassazione Sezione 1 penale - Sentenza 5 novembre 2014, n. 45867
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Tar Veneto, Sez. I, 11 novembre 2014, n. 1380
Presidente Amoroso; Estensore Vitanza
E’ illegittimo il provvedimento con il quale la Stazione appaltante ha revocato in autotutela l’aggiudicazione provvisoria di una ga...